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07.09.2023 17:58

[3. Technical sciences]

Author: Аlla Vasylivna Маkarynska , Doctor of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Odessa National University of Technology, Odessa, Ukraine; K.O.Chekalin, graduate student, Odessa National University of Technology, Odessa, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-1879-8455 Makarynska Alla

Informatization of agricultural production and, in particular, animal husbandry dictates a fundamentally new approach to farm management. Among the tasks of computer technology of industrial animal husbandry can be attributed the organiza-tion of raw data, their processing with the help of modern computer technology, ob-taining and presenting results for operational control and prospective forecasting of the production process [1]. This will contribute to the adoption of decisions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of existing material and labor re-sources. Programs for calculating compound feed recipes are specialized tools that help compound feed specialists create animal rations according to their nutrient needs [2, 3]. The main characteristics of the programs include [4-7]: compliance with stand-ards; use of the database; calculation of rations; the possibility of adjustment; visuali-zation of results; efficiency analysis; integration with other programs.

The most popular programs used to calculate compound feed recipes are: FeedExpert of the Dutch company Agrovision [4], WinFeed of the company Feed-soft, Inc [5], Brill Feed Formulation of the company Brill Formulation, USA [6], AMTS Farm of the company Agri Metrica, LLC) [7], AgroSoft WinOpti of AgroSoft A/S [8]. All programs share similar functionality in feed formulation, nutrient analy-sis, ration formulation, reporting, and feed usage tracking for farmers, ranchers, ani-mal nutritionists, and feed mills. The choice of software largely depends on the spe-cific needs, preferences and budget of the target user.

After analyzing the information from the official websites, the technical docu-mentation of the programs and their operation, shortcomings related to their use were revealed. 

Learning: Each program has its own interface and features, which means that users need to invest time and effort to learn how to use them effectively. Cost: Some of these programs can be expensive, especially for small farmers or livestock produc-ers. Technical Requirements: Applications require certain technical specifications or may be incompatible with certain operating systems, which may limit their availability to users. Limited ingredient database: Although these programs provide a complete database of feed ingredients, some ingredients may not be included, which can limit the accuracy of feed formulations. Limited Customization: Users may find that the software has limited flexibility in terms of customization or does not offer the specific features required for their particular application. Lack of local support: Depending on the software and the user's location, local support or technical assistance may be lim-ited, which may make it difficult for users to troubleshoot or optimize the use of the software.

In general, it is important for users to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each software before choosing the one that best suits their needs. Separately, we note that the key to good results is the collaboration of good software and a qualified produc-tion recipeologist.


1. Kashirsky A.I. Database and software-algorithmic tools for breeding management in pig breeding / A.I. Kashirskyi, M.K. Landina //AGROINFO. 2000. 133–136.

2. Broiler Poultry Feed Cost Optimization Using Linear Programming Technique. Interna-tional Management Institute, Kolkata/ Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning, 2020. 3(1). 31–57.

3. Comparison between linear and nonlinear system of feed formulation for broilers. Bra-zilian Journal of Poultry Science, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Published: 2015. 109-116.

4. FeedExpert. Electronic resource. [Access mode]:

5. WinFeed. Electronic resource. [Access mode]:

6. Brill Feed Formulation. Electronic resource. [Access mode]:

7. AMTS.Farm. Electronic resource. [Access mode]:

8. AgroSoft WinOpti. Electronic resource. [Access mode]:

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