Congratulation from Internet Conference!


Рік заснування видання - 2011


08.06.2022 13:40

[1. Information systems and technologies]

Author: Radoutskyi K. E., senior lecturer, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Radoutska A.K., student, Kharkiv National University of Radio electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Collective work on projects in a computer network is becoming today the main technology of engineering design in various subject areas. At the same time, the specificity of information exchange associated with detailing, assembling and encapsulating multilevel design solutions requires high reactivity and reliability of the "client-server" system. In this regard, reducing the time of information exchange (response time) without losing information is the main task of increasing the efficiency of multi-user work in the network.

Modern CAD systems are implemented in computer networks that unite various groups of specialists. The processing of highly detailed objects in such systems is associated with the problems of storage and transmitting data within the network. When designing complex systems, the amount of memory occupied by the models grows, the performance of individual workstations decreases, the requirements for the bandwidth of channels and the volume of information banks increase. The publication of 3D objects on the global network imposes even more stringent restrictions.

The most common way to describe a 3D models is to represent it as a set of adjacent triangular faces. This description method is supported by most Internet-oriented formats. A significant decrease in network traffic when transmitting a three-dimensional model within a local or global network is possible through a decrease in the number of primitives describing the model and an increase in the efficiency of coding (compression) of the model. The solution to the first problem is associated with a loss of accuracy of the geometry of the model. For the second problem, the solution is associated with finding a technology that allows you to structure the model data to reduce the amount of occupied space.

Algorithms for such coding, designed to compress data of any type, are widely used, but they have a well-defined compression limit. The most real development of compression methods seems to be a method based on the analysis of the model geometry. In this case, a combined method is possible, sequentially solving the first and second tasks within the required accuracy. In connection with the above, the relevance of the problems proposed for consideration lies in the development and implementation of compression methods based on the analysis of the geometry of three-dimensional models without loss of accuracy.

Purpose of the work is to develop and study compression algorithms for three-dimensional models (3D models) based on the analysis of geometric properties and allowing restoration without loss of accuracy of the presented objects. When solving these problems was used methods of three-dimensional modeling, analytical geometry, theory of complex algorithms and object-oriented programming.

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