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Рік заснування видання - 2011


13.11.2024 21:08

[3. Technical sciences]

Author: Yuriy Krupsky, 621omb gr. student, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Ukraine; Natalia Zjubanova, senior lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Ukraine

Laser material processing is one of the most promising technologies used in modern industry for various purposes, such as cutting, welding, marking, and cleaning. This method is based on the use of high-frequency laser radiation, which allows effective interaction with different types of materials including metals, plastics, ceramics and composites. 

One of the main advantages of laser processing is its high precision and the ability to ensure minimal changes in the material's structure. Laser radiation reduces mechanical stresses on the processed surface, significantly lowering the risk of deformation and damage. Additionally, lasers can process materials of varying thickness and complexity, making the technology versatile for a wide range of production proceses.

Laser cutting is one of the most common methods of laser processing, allowing materials to be precisely and quickly separated. The high level of energy localization ensures high cut quality and minimal thermal deformations. Other methods, such as: laser welding and sintering, are widely used in the automotive and aerospace industries to create high-tech joints and components.

Furthermore, laser marking and engraving provide high accuracy in applying information to various materials, which is important for creating customized products or ensuring product traceability. These technologies are used in medical, electronics and other sectors.

Thanks to its numerous advantages, laser processing continues to evolve and find new areas of application. However, achieving optimal results requires precise adjustment of laser parameters, such as: power, speed  and beam focusing, which requires high operator skill and proper equipment.

In conclusion, laser material processing is an important industry trend that enhances the efficiency of production processes, reduces material costs and improves the quality of finished products. Its implementation in various industries promotes the development of new technologies and innovations.


Pupany L. I. // Laser Technologies in Mechanical Engineering: Educational Manual for Students of "Applied Mechanics" Specialty, Full-time, Part-time, and Distance Learning. Kharkiv: NTU "KPI", 2020. P. 8-16.

Bobitsky Y. V., Matviyishyn H. L. // Laser Technologies: Educational Manual. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing, 2015. P. 29-42.

Kovalenko V. S. // Laser Technology: Textbook. Kyiv: Higher School, 1989. P. 57-66.

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