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Рік заснування видання - 2011


07.05.2023 18:28

[1. Information systems and technologies]

Author: Gong Jian, Master student at Department for Information-Computing Systems and Control, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil

The practical training room of higher vocational education is an important place and necessary condition for higher vocational education to achieve the goal of personnel training. It is also related to the speed of construction of practical training rooms in schools, the ability and motivation of technical and managerial personnel, as well as the role of practical training techniques and experimental equipment in personnel training and scientific research activities. The ultimate purpose of studying laboratory management is to improve the efficiency of laboratories and the management level of managers, so that the laboratories can better meet the goals of talent training, complete the tasks of talent training and accelerate the development of the school. Management is a discipline that has its own characteristics and is applicable to any type of organization. Laboratory management in higher education is also a kind of administration and has the general nature of administration. Therefore, the construction and management of practical training rooms in higher education should be based on a realistic analysis of the current situation of the management and construction of practical training rooms in higher education.

The basic tasks of laboratories in higher education, the basic conditions for laboratory setup, the guidelines for laboratory setup, the management system of laboratories and the requirements for laboratory staff are all stipulated in the Regulations on laboratory work in higher education institutions, which all higher education institutions are required to strictly comply with.

As an important part of China's higher education, higher vocational education should strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and work in accordance with the spirit of these documents.

Management and service are the two major functions of the laboratory management organization. On the one hand, as a functional institution of the school, it has to perform various management functions, such as consultation, command, coordination, decision-making and supervision; on the other hand, it has to deal with teaching and research activities and provide some necessary technical support services. The responsibilities of the laboratory management department (training room) can be summarized in the following four aspects.

To formulate long-term plans for the development of training laboratories and annual construction goals in conjunction with relevant departments according to the development plan of the university, and to supervise the progress of the construction plan and the implementation of the goals; to formulate rules and regulations for the construction of laboratories and for the management of laboratories according to the characteristics of each laboratory.

Through research, collaborate with personnel department to develop personnel and job responsibilities; prepare annual adjustment plan and development plan for laboratory managers and technicians; coordinate professional and technical assessment of laboratory technicians and managers, etc.

The basic principles to be observed in laboratory management are: "unified management, division of labor, reduction of hierarchy, close to the grassroots, pragmatic and efficient". The following principles should be observed:

– consistency of purpose. The construction and management of laboratories usually involve many departments and the work is quite complex. Lack of coordination or insufficient communication channels among departments can bring many inconveniences to the work of laboratories;

– overall performance. The command structure is built with a systems perspective based on cluster interests. Based on the systems principle, it is clear that departments and units can only function optimally as a whole. In laboratory management, all staff must be guided by the overall interest needs of the university, through overall planning, and then through the unified command of the department to achieve optimal regulation for maximum effectiveness;

– scientific division of labor and efficient work. The effectiveness of the management structure can only be improved through a well-organized departmental management structure, a clear division of responsibilities within each department, a clear division of labor, and standardized operational;

– principles related to the current state of the school. The school is the cornerstone of laboratory management, and the laboratory must be set up and managed in a way that is compatible with the size and level of the school in order to promote the healthy development of the laboratory. Of course, as the scale of the school expands and the level of research improves, the labs will develop more rapidly.

"The higher school must have a principal in charge of all laboratory work in the school and must establish or define the administrative body (division or section) responsible for such work. This provision is clearly stated in the document "Regulations on Laboratory Work in Higher Education Institutions". According to this regulation, each university has established a corresponding laboratory management organization or defined a contact point. However, the history and development of each university in China are different, and the mode of laboratory management is also very different. 

In China, undergraduate colleges and universities have not been established and developed for a long time, so the management mode of most undergraduate colleges and universities is based on the reference of general colleges and universities, which does not reflect the special characteristics of undergraduate education. 

The practical training management mode of the school is the secondary management mode of the school and the department. The counterpart department of the school's practical training management is the practical training office, but it involves several related departments, such as the academic affairs office, asset management office, etc. Each department has its own practical training base, and several departments constitute the practical training teaching and management system of the school. Each department has its own practical training base, and several departments constitute the practical training teaching and management system of the school, including the staff of academic affairs office, practical training office, asset management office and each department.

The training division is the competent department for the construction of practical training rooms. all new construction, expansion, alteration and renovation of practical training room facilities must be approved by the training division. In 2012, in order to further integrate the construction of practical training rooms with teaching, all new projects must be declared as teaching reform projects. The academic affairs division, training division and assets division will jointly evaluate the projects and approve the new training rooms only after the evaluation is passed. after the construction of the training room is completed, the training office, the asset office and the academic affairs office will carry out the project acceptance.


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Науковий керівник: Лендюк Тарас Васильович, доцент кафедри інформаційно-обчислювальних систем і управління, Західноукраїнський національний університет, Тернопіль

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