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Рік заснування видання - 2011


10.12.2022 15:53

[2. Економічні науки]

Автор: Adam Jasnikowski, Ph.D, student, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine, Fundacja “EUROWEEK”, Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Poland; Anna Rosokhata, Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Ukraine

Modern world globalization is becoming a driving force for the devaluation of borders between individual territories. If earlier the authenticity of each individual region was clearly expressed and determined by internal traditions, now, in connection with the rapid exchange of information with the help of digital technologies, the adaptability of individual communities to global social patterns is increasing. And at the same time, the content boundaries of the positioning of individual territories are erased. In order to distinguish and preserve the values within each individual territory, marketing comes to the rescue, which helps to distinguish each individual territory in the minds of people from among others and bring more and more attention to it and perform a number of other tasks.

At the current stage of marketing development, the concept of territory marketing is relevant and is being studied by a significant number of scientists in the world community. Among them, the Polish Scientific School should be singled out, in which this issue is actively researched. 

Personnel management of enterprises that are in a state of crisis, and which in turn are one of the key players in the formation of the brand of a specific territory, requires the use of a wide arsenal of methodological tools. It makes it possible to reveal trend patterns and problem directions in the phenomena and processes that determine its formation and implementation. The use of such tools is expedient at different levels of personnel functioning and stages of its formation, implementation and reproduction. In general, personnel management methods are divided into two groups: general and special. 

General methods include economic-mathematical and statistical methods (in particular, comparative and factor analysis to determine factors influencing personnel and comparing individual patterns of its formation and use, especially in crisis conditions), forecasting methods, grouping methods, causal method, method of coefficients, methods optimization, balance method, etc.

The forecasting method involves the use of a huge number of tools, including intuitive and formalized ones (extrapolations, modeling).

Forecasting as a personnel research method quite often refers to forecasting demographic parameters for the long term. Demographic forecasts are fundamental in further prognostic calculations of other trends, which are very important in the formation and use of labor potential and are actualized in crisis conditions in a limited area.  An equally important method of personnel research in terms of its component structure is the method of grouping and displaying its results in analytical tables (simple, group, combined), which allows to visually and more correctly present arrays of data on the company's personnel (A. B. Salvador, A. A. Ikeda, 2018).

The causal method of personnel research allows you to identify cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies in its component structure, taking into account a comprehensive approach to understanding its essence with deep interdependencies of the components that form it.

The method of coefficients involves calculations to reduce the relevant indicators to the so-called weighting coefficients, which should be calculated in the component structure of the personnel in order to find optimal proportions (close to ideal) between its components.

Optimization methods in personnel research are important from the point of view of determining the best, "optimal" solution based on the current situation, especially a crisis.

In the analysis of economic activity, a significant place is given to balance methods. Today, it is advisable to use the balance method in personnel research primarily in the construction of workforce balances.

The group of special methods of labor potential research is formed by methods of retrospective analysis, sociological survey, system, classification and others. Retrospective analysis is important in the application of personnel research for the purpose of studying internal reserves, objective assessment of results and consequences of activities (Kim, K. at al., 2017).

Sociological survey methods are very important from the point of the lack view for the necessary information base of an official nature, they allow to localize the field of study of labor resources.

The classification method is quite common in various areas of scientific research.

So, summarizing the above, it can be concluded that a high result and the highest quality of personnel management is achieved when the entire system of methods and models of personnel management is implemented jointly. This gives an opportunity to look at the object of research through the prism of its development in all directions. Effective personnel management of enterprises that are experiencing a crisis in specified cases and in specific territories makes it possible to strengthen the economic and social situation of the territory, to exert an indirect influence in the long-term perspective of supporting the brand of the territory.


1. Kim, K., Kim, J., & Reid, L. N. (2017). Experiencing motivational conflict on social media in a crisis situation: The case of the Chickfil-A same-sex marriage controversy. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 32-41. doi:

2. Alexandre Borba Salvador, Ana Akemi Ikeda. (2018). Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management. Review of Business Management. V.: 20, 1. Р.74-91. DOI:10.7819/rbgn.v20i1.3583

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