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Рік заснування видання - 2011


08.12.2022 01:23

[2. Економічні науки]

Автор: Bondarenko Liudmyla Anatoliivna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Economics of NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic"; Semenov Volodymyr Serhiiovych, Student of the Department of Tourism and Economics of NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic", Ukraine, Dnipro city

Today, business process management makes it possible to define its processes, organize their implementation, as well as to radically improve the quality, efficiency of management, setting up each process in such a way that its results lead to the achievement of business goals through technological flexibility and integration. It should be noted that from the micro and macroeconomic positions it is most rational to consider the quality of business processes of the enterprise. In this case, products are the result of business processes [1, p. 84]. Therefore, within the business process, its quality is laid from the moment of shipment and testing of products for safety in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO. 

Thus, the management of any processes is more effective by managing the quality of these processes. Let's define the main ones: 

1) efficiency (time of the business process); 

2) efficiency (minimization of time and costs); 

3) adaptability (ability to respond to environmental changes); 

4) antipathy (optimal price-quality ratio) [1, p. 34]. 

In our opinion, focusing on the quality management of business processes, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise, will ensure its market success, provide competitive advantages, creating the necessary conditions that in synthesis constitute the economic "health" of the enterprise. 

The effectiveness of business processes of the enterprise should be determined in the aggregate and comparison of the results of commodity turnover and those general economic benefits that the active functioning and positioning of the enterprise in the market niche, taking into account material and intangible costs. Efficiency depends on sales markets, which in turn affect sales volume, average price level, sales revenue and total profit.

To ensure coincidence between the developed strategy and business processes of the performance management system, it is necessary to implement several stages (Fig. 1) [2, p. 41]. 

The proposed sequence of business process efficiency management is universal, so it can be used regardless of the specifics of social and economic formation. An important condition for the implementation of the above actions to manage the efficiency of business processes is the consistent implementation of each subsequent stage. 

Fig. 1. Consistency of efficiency management of business processes of the enterprise

Thus, the formed team of professionals determines the long-term direction of the company's development, coordinates the work of functional units, evaluates the performance of business processes, checking them for compliance with standards, and is responsible for the results throughout the life cycle.

Summing up, we can say that the issues of business process management are acute at the enterprise, when at a certain stage of its development, failures in the interaction of departments, employees begin to be regular, while having a significant impact on the efficiency of the organization itself. Taking into account modern market relations, factors affecting the management of business processes of the enterprise, as well as the complexity and diversification of this type of activity, it is necessary to resort to the assessment of performance indicators based on the methodology of the Balanced Scorecard as a direct way to optimize the enterprise. Based on the assessment of the efficiency of business processes, the mechanism for adjusting the ratio of costs and achieved results remains relevant.


1. Bezgin, K.S. (2009), "Managing the quality of business processes in the enterprise", PhD in Economics, Mariupol, Ukraine. 

2. Dubynyna, V.V. (2015), Management of business processes of enterprise, Vestnyk Samarskoho hosudarstvennoho unyversyteta, 2015, № 5 (127), pp. 39—47.

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