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31.01.2024 16:36

[3. Технічні науки]

Автор: Olena Vysotska, Professor, DSc., National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv; Andrii Porvan, Associate Professor, PhD, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv; Volodymyr Babiyuk, student, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv

ORCID: 0000-0003-3723-9771 Оlena Vysotska

ORCID: 0000-0001-9727-0995 Andrii Porvan

Studies of the composition of human body mass in vivo has become increasingly important in recent years. The results of numerous studies indicate that the composition of the body has a significant relationship with the indicators of a person's physical performance, with its adaptation to environmental conditions, as well as professional and sports activities. The study of body composition plays a key role in the diagnosis of obesity, osteoporosis. It is significant for some other diseases and allows predicting the risk of their development with sufficient accuracy.

The evolution of the study of the composition of the human body over the past 25 years has been impressive: from the use of classical methods of anthropometry and hydrostatic weighing, to the development and wide implementation of new methods of studying body composition which are based on the measurement of parameters of external physical fields during their interaction with the body. Such methods include X-ray bone densitometry, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and infrared diagnostics [1]. The method of multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis for assessing the balance of water sectors of the body in conditions of intensive therapy and hemodialysis has proven itself especially well [2]. This method was used in cardiac surgery to assess the fluid content in the lower extremities (this value is highly correlated with the mortality rate) [3]. The value of the phase angle (body impedance characteristic) is a prognostically significant marker of the survival time of AIDS patients [4].

Body composition models are a convenient means of organizing and presenting knowledge about the composition of the human body. A body composition model is understood as a set of quantitative data and assumptions and the corresponding mathematical formula, which allow determining the content of the components of the body composition that make up the whole body. Two-, three- and four-component models are traditionally used. However, the disadvantage of these models is that to obtain a reliable estimate of body fat percentage (BFP) it is necessary to know the density of fat-free body mass with high accuracy [5]. 

Until recently, hydrostatic densitometry (HD) was considered the main reference method for determining body composition in a two-component model [6]. The disadvantages of HD include the longer duration of the measurement procedure (from 45 minutes to 1 hour), the stationarity of the method, as well as the relatively high cost of the equipment. The need for full immersion to measure body weight in water reduces the possibility of using the method in children, as well as in the elderly and sick.

An alternative to HD is air plethysmography (AP). Measurements are carried out in a solid sealed cabin filled with normal air [7].

Note that the three-component models of body composition are derived from the four-component model, if you combine the mineral body mass with the mass of the residue, which gives the dry fat-free mass. The main uncertainty of estimating BFP based on the formulas of the four-component model is related to the natural variation of the ratio of protein / mineral body mass, because a reliable assessment of the total protein mass in the body in vivo is possible only by measuring the nitrogen content by the method of neutron activation analysis, which is available only in a few laboratories in the world. 

An alternative to these methods can be bioelectrical impedance analysis of body composition (BIABC). It has its obvious advantages: ease of use, non-invasiveness, lack of radiation exposure, the need for special training, and can be used in everyday clinical practice by doctors of various specialties [8]. 

Therefore, the development of a method for determining the composition of the human body is an urgent practical task. The development method is a combination of known methods, where each subsequent step expands the diagnostic capabilities of each previous step.

At the first stage of the method, standard body parameters and body mass index are determined. Tables of values of various anthropometric characteristics, such as body weight and length, as well as chest circumference, are used to assess the physical development of individuals. Then the Quetelet – Kaup – Gould index, BMI and WHR index are calculated. The waist-to-hip ratio is used as an indicator or indicator of a person's health, to assess the risk of obesity, which in turn is a possible indicator of other, more serious diseases. 

At the second stage, it determine the percentage of fat in the body according to the formula that was proposed based on the four-component model of body composition: 

BFP = 64.5 − 848/ BMI + 0.079 × Age – 16.4 × Gender + 0.05 × Gender × ×Age+(39.0 × Gender) / BMI.

At the third stage, lean body mass and total water volume are determined based on the measured value of active resistance during BIABC. 

Establishing invariant relationships between different components of the composition is an important direction of the science of body composition. One of these ratios is the level of hydration of fat-free mass, as is known, approximately equal to 0.73 of the BFP. 

At the fourth stage, the amount of extracellular fluid, the active cellular mass of the body and its share in the total mass is determined. 

The fifth stage of the method involves determining the total amount of fluid in the body. The total amount of liquid is determined differently for different age groups [9].

At the final stage, the level of the main exchange is determined.

Thus, the developed method makes it possible to simultaneously evaluate such clinically significant parameters as active cell mass and basic metabolism, as well as study not only integral, but also local parameters of body composition and basic metabolism.


1. Duren D. L., Sherwood R. J., Czerwinski S. A., Lee M., Choh A. C., Siervogel R. M., Cameron Chumlea W. Body composition methods: comparisons and interpretation. J. Diabetes Sci. Technol. 2008 Nov; 2(6):1139-46. doi:10.1177/193229680800200623. 

2. Gomes K., Desbrow B., Irwin C., Roberts S. Patient and Staff Perceptions on Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in an Outpatient Haemodialysis Setting: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Jun 27; 10(7):1205. doi:10.3390/healthcare10071205. 

3. Ernstbrunner M., Kostner L., Kimberger O., Wabel P., Säemann M., Markstaller K., Fleischmann E., Kabon B., Hecking M. Bioimpedance spectroscopy for assessment of volume status in patients before and after general anaesthesia. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 31; 9(10):e111139. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111139.

4. Barrera Ortega S., Redondo del Río P., Carreño Enciso L., de la Cruz Marcos S., Massia M. N., de Mateo Silleras B. Phase Angle as a Prognostic Indicator of Survival in Institutionalized Psychogeriatric Patients. Nutrients. 2023; 15(9):2139.

5. Visaria A., Setoguchi S. Body mass index and all-cause mortality in a 21st century U.S. population: A National Health Interview Survey analysis. PLoS One. 2023; 18(7): e0287218.

6. Приступюк О. М., Бодян М. В. Жирова маса тіла у хворих на цукровий діабет 2-го типу з ожирінням. Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал. 2009; 2(20):

7. Богдановська Н. В., Маліков М. В., Кальонова І. В. Діагностика і моніторинг стану здоров’я: підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. – Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2015. 264 с.

8. Lyons-Reid J., Derraik J. G. B., Ward L. C., Tint M.-T., Kenealy T., Cutfield W. S.. Bioelectrical impedance analysis for assessment of body composition in infants and young children: A systematic literature review. Clinical Obesity. 2021; 11(3):e12441.

9. Чухланцева Н. В. Технології підвищення спортивної майстерності: фізична культура і спорт: навч. посібн. – Запоріжжя : ЗНТУ, 2018. 226с.

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