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08.12.2023 18:01

[3. Технічні науки]

Автор: Pavlo Saik, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine; Vasyl Lozynskyi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine; Andrii Adamchuk, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-7758-1083 Pavlo Saik

ORCID: 0000-0002-9657-0635 Vasyl Lozynskyi

ORCID: 0000-0002-8143-3697 Andrii Adamchuk

To date, the construction industry in Ukraine is gradually recovering. Therefore, there is an increasing tendency in the demand for construction materials. The construction materials industry uses non-metallic mineral resources as raw materials. On the territory of Ukraine, more than 1370 deposits of rocky non-metallic minerals have been explored, registered and taken on the balance sheet, of which over 740 are deposits of sedimentary and metamorphosed rocks, and about 630 – mineral deposits of magmatic origin, where building stone of various grades and qualities is mined: from ordinary quarry stone and crushed stone to high-quality facing stone [1].

Crushed stone is the most demanded construction material. Domestic and foreign experience in road construction and maintenance shows that crushed stone for bituminous concrete mixtures of the upper pavement layers should be of the following fractions: 5 ÷ 10, 10 ÷ 20, 20 ÷ 40 mm. From these, it is relatively easy to select the desired mixtures of optimal grain composition. 

Nowadays, European countries, for the construction of upper road surface layers, have started to use crushed-stone lubricating bituminous-concrete mixtures with a higher content of cube-shaped grains, thereby providing higher strength, durability, cost-effectiveness of upper road surfaces and better traction of tires with the road. Crushed stone should have a well-defined natural chipping roughness. Therefore preference is given to rocks of granular crystalline structure, as well as to rocks capable of remaining rough due to components of different hardness. 

In European standards, grain shape is assessed by the “shape index”, that is, by the average ratio of the largest and smallest grain sizes in a sample. This assessment makes it possible to draw conclusions about the shape of the entire mass of crushed-stone grains. According to the standards, crushed stone is divided into three categories (Table 1) [2].

Table 1. Crushed stone categories 

Standard crushed stone, according to Ukrainian standards, can have flat and needle-shaped grains, but to the shape of crushed-stone grains of higher categories are quite strict requirements. The concrete strength with an increase in the crushed stone content of flake-shaped particles (up to 50 and 100%) decreases with a decrease in the concrete volumetric weight due to concrete mixture underconsolidation [3]. Comparative physical-mechanical properties of crushed stone of different flakiness are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Physical-mechanical properties of crushed stone of different flakiness 

At Ukrainian quarries, modern mobile or semi-stationary complexes are used to produce high-quality crushed-stone products [4]. These complexes are expedient to use when mining deposits with small and medium raw material reserves for production of crushed stone with an enterprise productivity of 100 ÷ 500 thousand m3/year. If it is necessary to ensure annual productivity of more than 500 thousand m3/year, it is advisable to use stationary crushing-screening plants. 

When mobile complexes operate, primary rock crushing can be performed directly at the face, ensuring the loading of mineral raw material loosened by explosion into the bunker of the complex. The crushed product is further fed to the secondary crushing and screening crusher. Since the technological scheme “quarry - crushing-screening plant” reduces the use of motor vehicles, the finished product cost will also be significantly reduced. It is known that in the cost of finished sand-crushed stone products from non-metallic quarries, transportation costs reach half of all production costs. 

In modern conditions of prospective development of mining enterprises, there is a tendency to increase the number of mobile complexes. This equipment replaces stationary and bulky semi-stationary plants quite successfully. For crushed-stone production, mobile complexes have become widely used at enterprises with a capacity of up to 0.5 – 0.8 million tons/year of processed rock mass. Their implementation at quarries ensures: the use of environmentally friendly technologies using conveyor transport; reduced energy consumption; high level of automation in mining production; increased labour productivity; reduction in production costs by 2 – 3 times due to reduced operating and capital costs; the ability to quickly transport equipment closer to the consumer of products, which is achieved due to the rich explored and disclosed reserves of non-metallic mineral raw materials in Ukraine, as there is at least one quarry for the crushed-stone production near every major city.

Acknowledgements. This study is supported by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (project nr. 2022.01/0107 “A resource-saving technology development for mining and processing of non-metallic mineral raw materials in the war and post-war periods” for the call ‘Science for the Recovery of Ukraine in the War and Post-War Periods’).


1. Sobko, B., & Kriachek, V. (2022). Establish of the optimum parameters of the Pinyazevytsky granite deposit mining system. Collection of Research Papers of the National Mining University, 71, 17-28. 

2. DSTU B V.2.7-147:2008. Crushed stone and crashed stone-sand mixes from slags metallurgical for road building works. Specifications.

3. Levytskyi, V. G., & Tolkach, O. M. (2017). Research of environmentally-friendly utilization methods of the crushed stone waste on granite quarries. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu. Seriia: Tekhnichni nauky, (2 (1)), 173-180.

4. Cherniaiev, O., Pavlychenko, A., Romanenko, O., & Vovk, Y. (2021). Substantiation of resource-saving technology when mining the deposits for the production of crushed-stone products. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 15(4), 99-107.

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