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Рік заснування видання - 2011


29.11.2023 20:32

[3. Технічні науки]

Автор: Serhii Shevchuk, Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Professor, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava; Vadym Chuvpylo, PhD in Public Administration, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava; Svitlana Gapon, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava; Svitlana Nahorna, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava; Roman Kuryshko, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava

ORCID: 0000-0002-8155-8326 Serhii Shevchuk

ORCID: 0000-0001-9102-7396 Vadym Chuvpylo

ORCID: 0000-0002-4902-6055 Svitlana Gapon,

ORCID: 0000-0001-6286-1656 Svitlana Nahorna

ORCID: 0000-0003-0405-8130 Roman Kuryshko

The decentralization reform that began in Ukraine on the way to its European integration led to the formation of qualitatively new grassroots systems – territorial communities. In 2020, with the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Land Use Planning» [1], territorial communities received the right to plan the future use of the entire space of their community. The documentation that helps them do this is called the Comprehensive Plan for Spatial Development of the Territory of the Territorial Community and combines 10 types of urban planning and land management documentation. In the conditions of war, the development of comprehensive plans for the spatial development of community territories becomes even more relevant for the purpose of the successful development of both the community itself and the sustainable development of Ukraine in general.

The comprehensive spatial development plan of the community territory is both urban planning documentation at the local level and land management documentation, which is developed to ensure the sustainable development of the territory. To ensure the sustainable development of the territorial community while maintaining a balance of state, public and private interests, the comprehensive plan envisages the development of the territory as a whole, both outside the settlements and within them, and therefore the planning decisions of the comprehensive plan contain prospects for the use of the entire territory of the community. Proposals regarding the prospective use of the community territory consist of the definition of planning, project decisions and measures by thematic sections and corresponding thematic subdivisions in accordance with clauses 84, 85, 86 (for comprehensive plans) of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolution № 926 of 09/01/2021 «On approval of the Development Procedure , updating, making changes and approving urban planning documentation» [2].

The comprehensive plan includes planning decisions regarding the future use of the entire territory of the community, based on the analysis of all resources owned by the community, and provides the community with a tool for integrated development to solve problematic and conflict issues, as well as in compliance with the principle of balancing state, public and private interests. The comprehensive plan ensures coordinated decision-making regarding the integral spatial development of all settlements as a single settlement system and the territories beyond them.

The comprehensive plan for spatial development of the community consists of:

1) functional zoning for the entire territory of the community;

2) land management for the entire territory of the community;

3) the master plan of the administrative center of the territorial community;

4) general plans of settlements and detailed plans of territories, approved before the adoption of the comprehensive plan, which meet the requirements of the legislation, are consistent with the design decisions of the comprehensive plan and are subject to inclusion in it;

5) general plans of settlements, the need for development of which is established by the decision on approval of the comprehensive plan (included in the composition of the comprehensive plan simultaneously with their approval);

6) detailed plans of the territory within the territory of the territorial community (included in the comprehensive plan simultaneously with their approval);

7) planning decisions of general plans of other settlements and detailed plans of territories within the territory of the territorial community;

8) planning decisions on detailed plans of territories (including the formation of land plots) on which placement is planned at the expense of the state or local budget:

• objects of social infrastructure (education, health care, culture, housing and communal services);

• facilities provided for by the General Planning Scheme of the Territory of Ukraine and the Regional Planning Scheme;

• objects for the location of which, in accordance with the law, land parcels may be forcibly expropriated for reasons of public necessity (if the location of such objects is provided for in a comprehensive plan);

• other objects specified by the customer in the design task.

The main tasks of a comprehensive assessment of the territory of the community: to assess the available resources of the community and the trends of their changes, to identify problems; analyze the structure of the economy, determine the interrelationships between the branches of production, the potential and prospects for the development of the territory; identify competitive positions of the community, local and regional specifics; identify unique features of the territory that can become relative advantages or threats.

A comprehensive assessment of the territory is a thorough analysis of the situation, which covers all important aspects of life, allows you to assess the current state and trends of prospective use of available resources, creates a basis for timely identification of desirable and undesirable changes in the community, as well as for making informed decisions regarding the development of its territory. A comprehensive assessment identifies key issues and allows drawing conclusions about the future development of the territory, which are necessary for further steps of spatial planning.

Comprehensive assessment of the territory is carried out in four stages, which reflect the structure and sequence of adoption of the main planning decisions.

The first stage includes an assessment of the entire natural and socio-economic space covered by the comprehensive plan. The result of the first stage is the determination of the possible profile and scale of the future development of the economy. The second stage is an assessment of differences in the natural and economic characteristics of individual parts of the territories. As a result of the implementation of this stage, relatively homogeneous sections of the territories are outlined in terms of the totality of these characteristics, that is, a forecast of the functional zoning of the territory of the territorial community is developed.

The third stage is the assessment of the planning framework of the territory of the territorial community. Based on the analysis of the functional zoning of the territory, the optimal planning organization of the territory of the community is determined, including the centers of attraction of the population according to various functions (industrial, recreational, cultural, centers for receiving administrative and social services, etc.).

The fourth stage is the assessment of individual centers of gravity (populations and their spatial connections), as a result of which the scale and directions of development of settlements are determined, territories are proposed for the placement of individual objects. According to the resolution of the CMU № 926, the thematic sections and subdivisions of the comprehensive assessment of the territory of the community are determined by the task of developing a comprehensive plan [2].

It should be noted that natural conditions are one of the most important prerequisites for creating a healthy and comfortable life for the population that meets the requirements of the economy of construction and operation. Effective use of natural conditions can be achieved only on the basis of engineering and construction assessment of the territory. The assessment of the territory should be carried out according to criteria that take into account natural and anthropogenic processes and phenomena, in order to determine the territories that are favorable, unfavorable and unfavorable for the implementation of certain types of activities (taking into account the requirements of clause 12.1 DBN B.2.2-12:2019) [3]. When performing the engineering preparation section, information on the type of process or phenomenon, and the corresponding design decision to ensure the engineering protection of the territory should be included.

The comprehensive spatial development plan resolves within the territory of the entire community the following issues: determining the function of the territory, providing social, transport and engineering infrastructure, creating a favorable environment for residents, creating conditions for the development of local business and attracting investments.

The comprehensive plan contains thematic sections and their subdivisions, such as: spatial planning organization of the territory; land management and land use; landscape planning; land use restrictions; functional zoning of the territory of the territorial community; development of territories and economic activity; public service; transport mobility and infrastructure; engineering provision of the territory, pipeline transport and telecommunications; land protection, engineering preparation and improvement of the territory.

The above-mentioned list shows that the comprehensive plan covers all spheres of life of the territorial community and includes planning decisions regarding the prospective use of the entire territory of the territorial community. Also, this type of urban planning documentation provides an in-depth analysis of problems and advantages, determines development priorities and measures to avoid possible potential threats in the community, balances the interests of government, business, and the community.

Thus, the development of a comprehensive plan for the spatial development of the community territory is an integral step in ensuring its sustainable development of the community through such tools as a transparent mechanism for taking into account the interests of all settlements of the community, the possibility of ensuring its integral spatial development, determining the agreed directions of community development, simplifying the granting of permits procedures in the community, reserving the community's territories for future urban planning needs, ensuring efficient land use, attracting additional investments and meeting the social needs of the community's population.


1.Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Land Use Planning. Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada, 2020, № 46, Article 394.

2.Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the approval of the Procedure for the development, updating, amendment and approval of urban planning documentation dated September 1, 2021. № 926.    

3.DBN B.2.2-12:2019. Planning and development of territories. 2019. 177 p. 

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