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09.10.2023 14:46

[1. Інформаційні системи і технології]

Автор: Olena Ivanova, Associate Professor, PhD, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Masaryk University, Brno

ORCID: 0000-0002-0904-7468 Olena Ivanova

The growing concern about mental health issues ultimately draws attention to the appropriate problems in Ukrainian society and finally has started to remove slowly the stigma from this aspect, including the efforts of the National Program of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support initiated by the First Lady O. Zelenska [1]. Along with the organizational and information resources, attention should also be paid to the technological resource. The application of information technology in healthcare not only develops the field of medical IT but also improves and accelerates the collection of necessary data. 

The military who experience psychological difficulties as a result of prolonged participation in active combat operations are one of the most vulnerable target groups for psychological assistance. According to the survey of Gradus Research, 39% of respondents (n=2100) from different cities in Ukraine believe that participation in combat operations is a sufficient reason to seek psychological help, while 51% of the respondents believe that military participating in combat operations are the ones most in need for psychological help along with those who have lost loved ones due to war [2]. Moreover, the male part of the population is much more passive when it comes to recognizing the need and seeking psychological help, given the overwhelming majority of men in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Consequently, we have a gap between the actual and potential demand for psychological assistance for the military. 

According to the research findings, between 20% and 40% of the military population are in need of psychological assistance, which would primarily help to relieve the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [3]. However, among other things, the difficulties lie in the low level of information support for the study of this problem for a number of reasons:

—low level of personal initiative to seek psychological assistance;

—low prioritization of recognizing the psychological state of subordinates for military unit commanders;

—insufficient number of military psychologists per unit to administer psychological tests and conduct on-site research;

—obtaining information from non-clinicians (volunteers, journalists) who are unable to identify signs of acute stress disorder or PTSD;

—insufficient level of independent (remote) access of the military to psychological assistance resources, including the first aid protocols or TRiM;

—lack of technical and informational means of obtaining information;

—specific prolonged nature of PTSD manifestation

—other complex reasons.

Among other things, using information technologies could help to provide information to the target audience and collect data from the military as the respondents for the evidence base of mental health research, including the patient data in terms of ergotherapy. They enable the collection, storage, processing, and transmission of large volumes of data on psychological state in various formats. With the appropriate advancements in technology, mental health providers, psychologists, and other related practitioners can utilize sophisticated tools and systems to manage and deliver psychological assistance to the intended recipients. Taking into account the significant time limitations of delivery of information flows from the military, the confidential character of personal data and their geolocation, heterogeneous cyclicity, and the individual nature of potential or diagnosed psychological trauma experience, the use of information technologies will allow to quickly obtain data and ensure a qualitative display of their heterogeneity.

The need for constant and maximally regular information flows from the military in the framework of supporting their psychological state and mental health can be provided by information technologies to:

—deliver primary psychological help on individual requests;

—provide information support for mental self-care, including TRiM;  

—apply mental telemedicine activities with both preventive and therapeutic purposes; 

—conduct, transfer, and process psychological tests with or without the participation of the line commanders;

—recognize and measure the emotional tones of content in typical military-oriented social groups or channels of social networks; 

—develop the data-driven approach to therapy;

—provide mental healthcare apps and platforms, etc.

One of the key roles of information technologies in psychological assistance for the military is to ensure data accessibility. Through databases, cloud storage, and data management systems, information technologies enable both psychologists and the military to access and retrieve relevant data quickly. This accessibility promotes direct collaboration (depending on the military's access to the Internet) and well-informed decision-making for mental healthcare research organizations and researchers. Moreover, sometimes only remote communication channels make it possible to quickly and reliably receive data from the military, whose units are located in the red or gray zones. This enables real-time data delivery and supports collaboration.

In the conditions of active information war, an important aspect of use IT as a psychological assistance tool is the enhancement of data security and privacy. Robust encryption techniques, access controls, and authentication mechanisms safeguard sensitive data from unauthorized access and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Data delivery systems also often include audit trails and logging mechanisms to save sensitive data access and usage.

Overall, IT has significant and underestimated potential to revolutionize mental healthcare and in particular psychological assistance for the military by increasing access to mental healthcare services, improving data-driven decision-making procedures, and promoting mental health education among the military. By embracing technological advancements, psychologists can better meet the needs of the military on on-site service, prolong their therapy, and contribute to improved mental well-being on a larger scale.


1.Olena Zelenska told how the initiative to create the National Program of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support is being implemented (28 December 2022). Official website of President of Ukraine. Retrieved October 08, 2023, from URL

2.Психічне здоров’я та ставлення українців до психологінчої  допомоги під час війни (2022). Gradus Research.  Retrieved October 08, 2023, from

3.Балаж, М. С. (2023). Ерготерапія військовослужбовців та ветеранів із посттравматичним стресовим розладом: огляд літератури. Health & Education, (2), 46-52.

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