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Рік заснування видання - 2011


11.09.2023 09:29

[3. Технічні науки]

Автор: B.S. Zhukov, graduate student, Department of Grain and Feed Technology, Odessa National University of Technology, Odessa, Ukraine; А.V. Mаkаrynska, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Grain and Feed Technology, Odessa National University of Technology, Odessa, Ukraine; T.V. Strahova, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Grain and Feed Technology, Odessa National University of Technology, Odessa, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-1879-8455 Alla Makarynska 

ORCID: 0000-0002-7852-9292 Tatyana Strahova

The modern activity of laboratories in Ukraine, which evaluate the quality and safety of grain and oil crops, has a number of shortcomings that affect the effective-ness of testing activities. In particular, the lack of a unified approach to solving sys-tem requirements, a large number of regulators, contradictory requirements and lim-ited international harmonization. The situation is complicated by the requirements of industry regulatory documents and the challenges faced by laboratories through con-tract specifications [1], which necessitates the need to create a universal adaptive tech-nological system (UTS) for quality control of complex laboratories for the evaluation of grain and oil crops, which will allow to satisfy various requirements and systemati-cally demonstrate competence taking into account current needs.

We conducted an analysis of 313 spheres of accreditation of conformity as-sessment bodies, according to the list of the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU), which carry out activities in relation to indicators of quality and safety of grain and oil crops, for the period of the first half of 2023. It was established that only 33 of they offer a comprehensive approach to the assessment of these pa-rameters, in accordance with modern international requirements. In this regard, it is almost impossible to satisfy the need for certification of an export product within one institution, which leads to the need to involve additional service providers and long transportation of the sample, which has a high probability of negatively affecting its visibility.

The functioning of complex laboratories has comprehensive state regulation from the side of ensuring the quality and safety of their activities, the requirements for the implementation of laboratory activities have their source in a wide range of inter-national regulations aimed at trusting the competence of the conformity assessment body and the results it provides. Among the most important are: ISO 9001; ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 22000, ISO 31000, EA Regulations [2], ILAC [3], industry normative documents establishing the rules for the implementation of individual areas of re-search.

One of the fundamental problems in the provision of interdisciplinary analytical services is the sustainable functioning of the quality management system. It is the im-plementation of laboratory activities in accordance with modern quality management systems, which include management of the environment and occupational safety, per-sonnel, equipment, reagents and consumables, information, research methods, sam-ples to be analyzed, risks and opportunities, and systematic proof of the appropriate competence of the laboratory at the international level , guarantees international trust and effective trade cooperation.

An appropriate quality management system is critical because it ensures the ac-curacy, correctness and reproducibility of research results. However, modern quality management of testing laboratories has some imperfections: lack of a single global system of standards; a large number of regulators; contradictory requirements; limited harmonization of international standards. The implementation of a single global sys-tem of standards for the quality management of testing laboratories is a difficult task, as different organizations and countries have different approaches and priorities, which leads to limited harmonization and lack of interaction between different stand-ards, which affects the overall quality and comparability of test results. In addition, the quality management requirements of testing laboratories are constantly improving and changing. In Ukraine, accreditation for compliance with the requirements of cer-tain management systems, such as 17025, GMP+ and VLOG accreditation, is a vol-untary procedure. However, international trade is impossible without proving the competence of the testing laboratory, so the provision of complex services for as-sessing the conformity of agricultural raw materials should be based on modern re-quirements, including requirements for quality systems.

Thus, guaranteeing quality and safety is a key element that ensures value crea-tion of Ukrainian agricultural raw materials for foreign consumers. Harmonization of approaches used in the analysis and interpretation of their results contributes to in-creasing confidence in the results of laboratory research. Due to the fact that indica-tors of safety and quality of grain and oil crops have a wide range of parameters that are subject to evaluation and are regulated at the national and international levels, meeting all these requirements is possible only under the condition of a comprehen-sive analytical approach. Only complex laboratories are able to perform a sufficiently wide range of analyzes and allow the consumer to receive all the necessary services in one institution. Due to their versatility, complex laboratories can perform the entire necessary list of research and flexibly adapt to changes in requirements and tasks. The creation and implementation of a PBX will help to rationally spend resources, thanks to logistical advantages, efficiency, reliability of results and a vertical management system. However, due to the complexity and interconnectedness of analytical proce-dures performed within complex laboratories, establishing an effective and functional quality management system for analytical results is a challenging problem. A large number of regulatory requirements and regulators, conflicting approaches and insuf-ficient degree of international harmonization, together with regular review and im-provement of industry technologies, form the modern context of laboratory activity. Considering this, for the successful functioning of integrated laboratories for the as-sessment of quality and safety of grain and oil crops, it is important to work on over-coming limitations and continuous improvement of management processes. The de-velopment of UATS quality testing laboratories is of great relevance and importance for ensuring reliability and trust in test results at the international level.


1.National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine. [Veb-sayt]. URL:https://naau.org.ua (14.05.2023)

2.European Accreditation. [Veb-sayt]. URL:https://european-accreditation.org (02.06.2023)

3.International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. [Veb-sayt]. URL:https://ilac.org (02.06.2023)

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