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Рік заснування видання - 2011


07.06.2023 20:31

[3. Технічні науки]

Автор: Nataliia Vasyliv, teacher assistant, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

Working  conditions,  behaviors,  and  habits  that  have  been  changed  by  the  industrial  revolution deeply  affected  lives  of  workers.  The  revolution  which  brought  several  reforms  has  raised  some problems  related  with  working  itself.  One of these problems that should be considered is occupational accidents and diseases. Working  forms  and  conditions that put health  of workers and occupational  safety  at risk  cause  damages  to  organizations and  societies  directly  and indirectly  as well as it negatively influences people’s lives.  

Occupational accidents and diseases are one of the major problems of business life in Ukraine as well as it is in the world.  Every  year  thousands  of  people  get  sick,  get  hurt,  become  disabled  or  die because  of  different causes  related with  their  jobs.  Studying this subject thoroughly is important because it is related with quality of  worker’s live. 

Adverse working conditions that might pose danger to employees began to emerge along with the industrial revolution. The rapid development of industrialization brought some problems such as long working hours, ill-payment, unsafe working conditions, and children’s and women’s being employed at heavy  jobs and in order to solve these problems making legislative arrangements and developing occupational  safety measures  have  become  obligatory.  

At  the present time,  on the other hand,  the rapid  development of  technology and  the radical  increase in production and competition further increases  the  dangers  related to the health and  work  safety of employees.  While being protected  from occupational accidents  and  diseases, at  the same  time  making  them work  in  an  environment  healthier  and  safer,  remote  from  occupational hazards will protect  both employees’ physical  and  mental health.  

Employees’ having a healthy and safe work environment is one of the most important human resources issues in business. Protection function of Human Resources Management (HRM) includes occupational health and safety and aims protection of employees, physically and mentally. While work safety aims protection of occupational accidents  that  might  result  from  unsafe  behaviors  of  employees  and/or  unsafe  environment; occupational health involves health rules that are necessary for a healthy life and living environment.

Occupational health and safety is essential not only for employees but also for the safety of organization and production as a whole.  In this  regard, occupational  health  and safety  can  be  defined  as  the  prevention  of  employees  from  getting  occupational  diseases  and occupational accidents,  prevention  of work-related  threats  and dangers,  the  measures to be  taken for the creation of a healthy and safe working environment and the systematic studies necessary for these purposes.

Occupational accidents threat the health of employees and adversely affect the economies of the organizations and countries. The treatment of employee that is exposed to an accident or disease and compensation of economic loss directly encumbers financial responsibilities to the employers. In addition, loss of machine, raw material, product etc. as a result of accident and halt of production for a while also constitutes indirect economic loss of organizations. Labor losses that are caused by accidents also affect negatively in terms of the country’s economy.

During the analysis and evaluation of the occupational risk regarding accidents at work and occupational diseases, the following indicators must be taken into account: 

-Total occupational accidents 

-Deaths from occupational accidents 

-Permanent incapacity resulted from occupational accidents 

-Days of temporary incapacity (outpatient)  

-Days of temporary incapacity (inpatient) 

-The Sector of Craft and Related Trades Workers Without Specification 

( Sector in which  occupational accidents are most commonly seen) 

-Murder or injury by another person  

-Total occupational diseases

A work injury/illness analysis is not a mere repetition of the worker's explanation of the injury/illness, but includes the evaluation of the facts, physical evidence, existing records, opinions, and the statements of the affected employee and witnesses. It involves identifying the causal factors and provides recommendations for corrective action to be taken to prevent the recurrence of similar injuries or illnesses.


1. Порядок проведення розслідування та ведення обліку нещасних випадків, професійних захворювань і аварій на виробництві [Текст]: затв. постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 30 листопада 2011 р. № 1232. – К.: Офіційний вісник України від 12.12.2011 р. № 94. – 64 с. 

2. Порядок розслідування та обліку нещасних випадків невиробничого характеру [Текст]: затв. постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 22 березня 2011 р. № 270. – К.: Офіційний вісник України від 13.04.2001 р. № 13. – 75 с. 

3. Класифікатор розподілу травм за ступенем тяжкості [Текст]: затв. наказом Міністерства охорони праці здоров’я України від 04 липня 2007 р. № 370. – К.: Офіційний вісник України від 20.08.2007 р. № 59. – 61 с. 

4. Закон України «Про охорону праці» [Текст]: Верховна Рада України. – К.: Відомості Верховної Ради України від 08.12.1992 р. № 49. 

5. Закон України «Про загальнообов’язкове державне соціальне страхування від нещасного випадку на виробництві та професійного захворювання, які спричинили втрату працездатності» [Текст]: Верховна Рада України №1105-XIV від 23.09.1999 р.


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