07.02.2023 12:48
[3. Технические науки]
Автор: Alla Abramova, PhD, associated profesor, National Technical University of Ukraine
"Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv; Denys Skladannyy, PhD, associated profesor, National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv; Maxim Kolbasenko, student, National Technical University of Ukraine
"Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv
A catalytic shelf reactor with several catalyst’s layers is quite complex in design, but easy to operate [1]. The gas flow is better distributed and cooled between layers in it, and different catalysts can be used in different layers. This makes it possible to replace the deactivated layers selectively and maintain the temperature. Due to the possibility of introducing a bypass between the shelves to reduce or increase the temperature in the apparatus, a stable temperature regime for the reaction is ensured. Such a reactor is widely used, for example, in the process of methanol synthesis [2]. The calculation scheme of the catalytic shelf reactor is shown in fig. 1
Figure 1. Catalytic shelf reactor’s calculation scheme.
To develop a software module, a differential equations system describing an ideal displacement reactor in isothermal continuous mode is adopted as a mathematical model [3, 4]. The software module is developed in the C++/CLI. Input data for calculation: structural parameters (height, diameter) and reaction scheme A + 2B = R. The main form (fig. 2) contains fields for entering initial data, namely, the initial mixture flow, the components’ concentrations of the reaction occurring in the apparatus at the initial moment, the apparatus diameter and height, and the reaction rate constant.
Figure 2. The main program form
The test calculation results are presented in fig. 3.
Figure 3. Calculation results form
It is possible to show the reacting components concentrations’ changes profiles over time (fig. 4).
Figure 4. Results’ graphical interpretation form
The obtained results can be saved фі a report. In addition, an error handling procedure is created for non-correspond values entry prevention. The developed software module significantly simplifies the catalytic reactor calculations, which is specified by the ideal displacement model.
1. Pikh Z. Chemical Reaction Engineering. Mathematical Description, Modeling, Optimization / Z. Pikh – Львів: Видавництво Львівської Політехніки, 2016. – 274 с. ISBN: 9786-176-079-699
2. Денисюк, Р.О. Хімічна технологія / Р.О. Денисюк – Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І. Франка, 2017. – 350 с.
3. Бойко, Т.В. Математичне моделювання та застосування ЕОМ в хімічній технології /
Т.В. Бойко, В.І. Бендюг, І.О. Потяженко – К.: НТУУ «КПІ», 2007. – 128 с.
4. Моделювання об’єктів і систем у галузі / уклад.: Т.В. Бойко, Д.М. Складанний. – Електронні текстові данні. – Київ : КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2018. – 54 с.