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Рік заснування видання - 2011


06.10.2022 12:44

[3. Технические науки]

Автор: Bondarenko Andrii, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

A preliminary review, carried out according to the criterion of minimizing operating costs for the processing of a mineral extracted by a hydromechanized method, confirms the attractiveness of the gravity method of enrichment in a horizontal slurry flow [1 – 4]. 

Apparatus for gravitational processing of granular materials in a horizontal slurry flow can be shown as a diagram (fig.). 

Fig. Scheme of the process of gravitational processing of granular materials in a horizontal slurry flow:

1 – separation section; 2 – sedimentation section;

3 – outflow section; 4 – accumulation section

In the gravitational processing of granular materials in a horizontal slurry flow, it is natural to divide the process into the following sections: separation section, sedimentation section, outflow section, accumulation section (fig.) [5].

The separation section is an area limited by the body of the apparatus with an expanding section in the direction of slurry movement. The movement of the flow in this section is characterized by the beginning of the process of deposition of particles and their movement into the accumulation section. The movement of particles in the section under consideration is characterized by the impact on them of the forces of the slurry velocity pressure, gravity, Archimedes, and the resistance of the medium [5 – 8].

The sedimentation section is an area limited by the body of the apparatus with a constant or variable cross section in the direction of slurry movement. Slurry enters the sedimentation section from the separation section. The movement of the flow in this area is characterized by the completion of the particles deposition process and their movement into the accumulation section. Non-sedimenting particles of carried out classes continue to move as part of a horizontal flow in the direction of the outflow section.

The outflow section is limited by the body of the apparatus with a decreasing cross section in the direction of slurry movement. The slurry enters the outflow section from the sedimentation section. The movement of the flow in this area is characterized by the removal of fine non-deposited particles and their movement outside the classifier into the drain.

The movement of particles in the above areas is characterized by the impact on them of the forces of the slurry velocity pressure, gravity, Archimedes, environmental resistance. 

The accumulation section is limited by the body of the apparatus, which is a hopper. The granular material moving from the separation and sedimentation sections is deposited in the accumulation section. The movement of particles in this area is accompanied by a falling process and is characterized by the influence of gravity, Archimedes, and environmental resistance on them, which, in a first approximation, can be taken into account by the hydraulic size.

The movement of the precipitated granular material outside the accumulation section, when it is unloaded from the apparatus, is a process of gravitational outflow from a hopper with inclined walls [5].

The performed consideration of the physical foundations of the process of granular materials gravitational separation in a horizontal slurry flow allows us to start developing a generalized mathematical model of particle motion in the main areas of the process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the data obtained in the course of preliminary experimental studies performed in laboratory installation with a constant and variable cross-sectional area of the separation section. 

Conclusion. The result of physical modeling of the process of granular materials gravitational processing was a description of the physical foundations of the solid particles gravitational sedimentation under the action of a carrier horizontal flow, limited by differently inclined surfaces of the device, and as a result, the division of this process into the next characteristic sections: separation, sedimentation, outflow, accumulation.

Список літератури

1. Бондаренко А.О. Гірничі машини для відкритих гірничих робіт : Навч. посібник / А.О. Бондаренко . – Дніпро: ДВНЗ «Національний гірничий університет», 2017. – 123с.

2. Bondarenko, A. A., 2018. Theoretical bases of pulp suction process in the shallow dredge underwater face. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 3, pp. 22‒29. DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2018-3/4.

3. Bondarenko, A. A., 2018. Modeling of interaction of inclined surfaces of a hydraulic classifier with a flow of solid particles. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 4, pp. 13‒20. DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2018-4/5.

4. Bondarenko, A. A., Naumenko R. P. 2019. Comprehensive solution of recycling waste from stone processing industry. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 4, pp. 96‒101. DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2019-4/14.

5. Франчук В.П. Горизонтальные классификаторы. Основы теории и расчета: моногр. / В.П. Франчук, А.А. Бондаренко; М-во образования и науки Украины, Нац. горн. ун-т. – Д.: НГУ, 2016. – 111 с.

6. Бондаренко А.А. Математическое моделирование движения частиц под влиянием скоростного напора/ А.А. Бондаренко // Металургійна та гірничорудна промисловість. – 2013. – №1. – С. 66 – 68.

7. Бондаренко А.А. Обоснование параметров горизонтального классификатора путем изучения взаимодействия твердой частицы с потоком жидкости /      А.А. Бондаренко // Зб. наук. праць Дніпродзержинського держ. техн. ун-ту. Технічні науки. – 2013. – №3(23). – С. 114 – 119.

8. Бондаренко А.О. Розробка математичної моделі руху потоку в класифікаторі гідравлічному горизонтальному / В.П. Франчук, А.О. Бондаренко // Віс-ник ЖДТУ. Технічні науки. – 2013. – № 3(66). – С. 140 – 149.

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