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Рік заснування видання - 2011


09.10.2023 19:50

[1. Информационные системы и технологии]

Автор: Andriy Topolskiy, PhD student, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia; Yevhen Palamarchuk, Cand. Sc. (Technology), Associate Professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia

ORCID: 0009-0007-7631-0872 Andriy Topolskiy

ORCID: 0000-0002-7443-099X Yevhen Palamarchuk

The development of information technologies makes it possible to implement various automated education systems. One of their tasks is to control the dynamics of the educational process of each of their participants and provide an objective approach to reporting on learning outcomes. One of such system’s types is an automated attendance system. Such systems are used to keep records of students' attendance at classes.

The main task of such systems is to replace the manual filling of the attendance paper journal by the teacher with an automated process. The problem with manually filling out the journal, in addition to the human factor, is the time that the teacher spends on the survey and filling out the journal. Based on a survey conducted in Moroccan schools (from primary to high schools), in which 289 teachers participated, it turned out that teachers spend an average of 4-6 minutes on the task of filling out the attendance register with an average number of students of 32-36 per class [1].

This means that, given a 45-minute class, an average of 9-13% of the class time is spent filling out the attendance journal. In addition, the superintendents of these schools also spend 15-40 minutes processing the attendance data of 500 students. Thus, in addition to optimizing the educational process, the use of an automated attendance system also optimizes the administrative processes of an educational institution.

By utilizing different technologies, the automated attendance system receives the following data about students:

1.A specific identifier that can be used to recognize a student;

2.The location of the student at the time of identification;

3.The time at which the student was identified.

Processing this data and integrating the system with the database will automate the process of marking a student's presence. The database of the educational institution should have a schedule that indicates which group should be in a certain classroom at a certain time, as well as a list of students of these groups. All that remains is to compare the actual location of each student with their schedule to conclude whether they’re present in class.

To implement an automated attendance system, a variety of technologies and methods are used around the world, for example:

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) [2]. Each student carries a passive RFID tag (transponder), which is activated when it receives a special radio signal sent by a reader (transceiver). The electromagnetic wave induces a current in the RFID tag's antenna, which allows it to send a signal in response;

Wi-Fi Hotspot [3]. A specially developed application is installed on students' smartphones, which, when connected to the educational institution’s Wi-Fi network, receives the smartphone's MAC address and transmits it to the server. The received MAC address is then compared with the database. If a match is found, the student is marked as present in class, otherwise, they’re marked as absent;

Bluetooth [4]. iBeacons are installed in classrooms. Each of the beacons has encoded information, such as room name, room code, and what classes should be held in that room. A specially developed application is installed on students' smartphones, in which the student must log in. After authorization, the application will send the user a request to turn on Bluetooth. Once enabled, the app will scan the environment to detect the iBeacon. If the application identifies the beacon, the student's presence will be marked;

Face recognition technologies [5]. Cameras are installed in classrooms to take pictures of students. These photos are then processed by the server and compared with an existing database of student faces. If the face matches the database, the student's presence is marked;

Biometric systems [6]. Fingerprint scanners are installed in classrooms, and students have to put their fingers on them. The resulting fingerprint is compared with the existing fingerprint database. If the fingerprint matches, the student's presence is marked;

Scanning a QR code [7]. Using the application, the teacher generates a QR code that encrypts the time and name of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher uses a projector to show the QR code. Next, each student logs in to the app and scans this QR code. Then the information is sent to the server and the student's presence is marked.

The following system criteria were used to compare existing technologies: ease of scaling, smartphone requirement, technology reliability, teacher involvement, student involvement, and moderate equipment cost. The comparison of existing systems is shown in Table 1:

Table 1

Comparison of automated attendance systems technologies

Conclusions. To fully automate the process of marking students’ attendance, options where neither students nor the teacher are involved in the process should be considered. Table 1 shows that such options are RFID and face recognition technologies. The disadvantages of RFID technologies include the cost of the necessary hardware, as each student needs to be issued a transponder and each classroom needs to be equipped with special readers. While facial recognition technology does not have such problems, its implementation and scaling are quite inconvenient, as it is necessary to form a database with the faces of each student, and this system may not work reliably at the stage of recognizing a photo. Therefore, it can be asserted that an automated attendance system in higher education institutions should be built on the basis of RFID technologies.


1.El Mrabet, H. and Ait Moussa, A. 2020. IoT-School Attendance System Using RFID Technology. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 14, 14 (Aug. 2020), pp. 95–108. DOI:

2.Jiahuan Lin, Shantian Wen, "Physical Education Attendance Based on Wireless and Passive RFID Technology", Journal of Sensors, vol. 2022, Article ID 8485428, 12 pages, 2022. DOI:

3.J. Rasheed, E. Alimovski and A. Rasheed, "mManagement: Wi-Fi Hotspot based Attendance Application using Android Smartphone," 2019 1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (UBMYK), Ankara, Turkey, 2019, pp. 1-5, DOI:10.1109/UBMYK48245.2019.8965588

4.C, Shalini K. “Digital Attendance System Using IBeacon along with Indoor Navigation.” International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 8, no. 8 (2020): 245–47. DOI:10.22214/IJRASET.2020.30861

5.Omkar Biradar, Anurag bhave, “Face Recognition Based Attendance Monitoring System using Raspberry-pi and OpenCV”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 06 Issue: 01 Jan 2019

6.Tripti Jain, Urvashi Tomar, Umang Arora and Swati Jain, “IOT Based Biometric Attendance System”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 11(2), 2020, pp. 156-161

7.Almasalha, Fadi & Hirzallah, Nael. (2014). A Students Attendance System Using QR Code. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 5. DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2014.050310.

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