Earlier we considered finite-dimensional discrete Sit-elements and capacities in itself [2]. Here we consider some continual Sit-elements and continual capacities in itself. For example S
∞+= sin∞ has such type. It denotes continual ordered capacities in itself of next type—the range of simultaneous “activation” of numbers from [-1,1] in mutual directions: ↑I↓
-11. Also we consider next elements: S
-11, T
∞+= tg∞--↑I↓
-∞∞, T
-∞∞, don’t confuse with values of these functions. Such elements can be summarized. For example: aS
∞+=(b-a) S
∞-. Also may be considered operators for them. For example: fS
∞+ ,t=t
0@0,t≠ t
0)┤ . Namely such elements are used for Sit-coding, Sit translation, coding self, translation self, what for electric current of ultrahigh frequency is suitable. May be considered more complex elements as continual sets of numbers with mutual directions “activation” them. For example, ranges of functions values, in particular, functions, which represent lightning form. Also may be considered n-dimensional elements. The space of such elements is Banach space if we introduce usual norm for functions or vectors excluding their exceptions. We call this space-- Selb-space. Then we introduce scalar product for functions or vectors excluding their exceptions and get hilbert space. We call this space-- Selh-space. In particular, may try to describe some processes with these elements by differential equations and to use methods from [3]. Let’s introduce operators to transform holding capacity to capacity in itself:
Q1S(A) transforms A to f1SA, Q
0S(A) transforms A to
AASt , SO(A) transforms A to ↑A↓, ↑A↓ -- ordered capacity in itself of simultaneous “activation” of all elements of A in mutual directions. For example, SO([-1,1])= S
∞+, SO([1,-1])= S
∞- , SO([-∞,∞])= T
∞+, SO([∞,-∞])= T
∞-. Operator (Q1S(A))
2 increases self level for A: it transforms Self-A= f1SA to self2-A, (Q1S(A))
n → selfn-A, e
Q1S(A) → e
self-A. Also may be considered dynamical continual Sit-elements, where may be transfer these definitions, operations using [4] on them by analogy.
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Scientific director: Pasynkov V.M., PhD of physic-mathematical science, assistant professor of applied mathematics and calculated techniques department of “National Metallurgical Academy”, Ukraine